Cookie policy

Cookie policy

Muse srl with its registered office in Strada Statale 100km 17,5 - 70010 Casamassima (BA) is the creator and promoter of the activities available on the website; it reserves the right to use personal data voluntarily provided by Users in compliance with regulations in force (Article No 13 et seq. of Legislative Decree No 196 of 2003).
Users are kindly invited to visit this section periodically and keep abreast of any changes made to current legislation.


Muse srl uses different types of cookies and similar technologies, each of which has a specific function:

Navigation and functionality cookies

Navigation cookies are necessary for the proper website functioning and allow you to view the contents on your device recognising the language and market of the country from which the user has chosen to connect. If the users are registered, they allow them to access the offered services and to recognise the visitors during their following accesses. Functionality cookies improve navigation quality and experience.

Static cookies by and third-party cookies

These cookies are used to process statistical analyses about users’ browsing methods. The results of such analyses are used anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes. The website uses some third-party services that might independently install their own cookies.

Third-party profiling cookies

They are used to create user profiles to send commercial messages according to the preferences expressed while visiting the website or to enhance the browsing and shopping experience. They enable to offer business proposals on other affiliate websites (retargeting). has no control on third-party cookies or the provided information as they are fully controlled by third-party companies as per their own privacy policies.


If you want to change your preferences or deny your consent to all or some cookies click here.

Technologies such as our cookies can be used for online advertising tailored to users’ interests. To choose the cookies used for online advertising click here.

Browsers are configured to accept, control, and disable cookies through their settings. Please note that disabling navigation or functionality cookies may cause website malfunctioning and/or restrict its services. Please find below the procedures to manage cookies on the following browsers:
Internet Explorer

For more information on cookies and on how to manage your preferences regarding third-party profiling cookies please visit

To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics to collect data about your navigation you can download the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics.